Blender Reel: ESE Club/Studio 2024
Here's a great showcase of Blender work by a group of middle and high
school students from Japan. Hello everyone! We are a group of junior high
school stud...
Blender 3.2
8 июня 2022 года Blender Foundation и сообщество разработчиков представили
Blender 3.2 — новую версию бесплатного трёхмерного графического редактора с
Blend Swap Updates In the Works
Hi guys, It has been a few months since we made the announcement that Blend
Swap was looking for a new developer. Since then, I have joined the team
and ha...
Rotation fixing?
Hello all i've a bit question about Blender's rotation manipulator, is it
normal sometimes its hard to grab, to choose only one plane of rotation ,...
Building an FPS #4: Catching a Second Wind
[image: feature-1]
It’s been 3 months since we last posted about our first person shooter
game, *The Range* (working title). As I sit down to write this, I...
Ув. А с программы OpenScad можно продавать 3д-модели?
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